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First-time Managers
What’s one key area for improvement for new managers?
- IC to 1st-time manager: how to give up what I am good at / known for
- Teach others to fish
- Not expected to know all the answers, imposter syndrome
- When to fire
Building Trust
Building trust with your team (how trust builds productivity) (actions + reliability + personal value = trust)
- Bring down barriers: 1:1: offer vulnerability
- Authentic leadership: managing during the downtimes, firing myself, e.g. eBay CEO's authentic leadership example, Jim Collins’ arctic trek example (short sprints regardless of conditions / poll audience: what’s more effective)
- Embrace failure
- Self-awareness (open to tough feedback)
- How to navigate change and keep the team focused during uncertainties (M&A)
Motivating Your Team
How to motivate a team, align personal goals & company goals, without monetary incentives?
- People have different motivators: +responsibility vs. +comp example
- Stretch roles for career growth: Balance upward vs. lateral expansion: e.g., concentric circles, learn a new function
- Skill vs. will
- Who do you consider to be “your team” (peers vs. direct reports)
- Unblock (upside down pyramid) - servant leadership
Managing Conflict
What are some tactics you use for managing conflict? (Both personally and for your team)
- Team member conflict - Beata/Joni
- Peer conflict - Brian
- eBay: “in the spirit of being open, honest & direct”
Communication Tactics
What communication strategies do you use? How does that change depending on the setting? If you could encourage people here to do one thing when they go back to the office to improve their communication with their peers, what would it be?
- How to be an active listener - convey you understand the point: GS example - car repair (validation) don't have to apologize, your job is to convince someone you hear them
- Customize for audience: reading vs. seeing vs. hearing
- How much/little is appropriate
- How to adapt to diverse perspectives and different cultural backgrounds
Culture Building
As somebody who has built teams from the ground up, what are the most important parts of building a strong team culture?
- Shared value/purpose (common vision/enemy), but different drivers (responsibility v. comp)
- eBay CEO's authentic leadership example
- Consistency - actions - e.g. Manicube
How do you keep that culture as the company grows?
- Living it (e.g., Steve @TripAdvisor answering support, interviewing), ID shepherds
And how about bad cultures. What are some of the things you watch out for, and how do you get rid of those types of behaviors when you see they exist?
- Toxic behavior. Skill or will?
- Firing fast
Career Growth / Professional Development
How do you build consensus?